Audio Books
Andrew Richardson is a director of the London Human Givens Centre and a qualified Human Givens practitioner.
Overcoming Loss and Bereavement - Read by Andrew Richardson
Bad sleep and dysfunctional dreaming are at the heart of how the brain manufactures depression feelings – including those that arise and persist following a bereavement or other great loss.In this download you will learn of the three factors which are maintaining your depression. You will be able to identify the importance of each of these as contributing to the depression which is persisting and perhaps even deepening since your loss. And there is advice and tools and therapy to help you heal and move on.
This E Motion audio download is based on the Human Givens approach to emotional healing and mental health – the newest and most radical school of psychology in 40 years. This rapidly expanding approach is UK based and dates just from the mid 1990s.
The E Motion audio series can complement your Human Givens therapy but can also be used as part of a stand alone self help programme.
ISBN: 9781906658076
FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Death, Grief, BereavementCoping with death & bereavement
Stopping Addictions - Read by Andrew Richardson
Addictions will weaken in their power when you find better ways to get your essential emotional needs met and understand clearly exactly how the brain manufactures and maintains psychological dependencies. In this download you will learn of the common causes of all addictions – be it illegal drugs, gambling or sex and even obsessive behaviours and dependencies. And you will see that there is a path out of the addiction and a return to emotional health and balance. And in this download you will see this path clearly and how to travel along that path and so free yourself. This E Motion audio download is based on the Human Givens approach to emotional healing and mental health – the newest and most radical school of psychology in 40 years. This rapidly expanding approach is UK based and dates just from the mid 1990s.
The E Motion audio series can complement your Human Givens therapy but can also be used as part of a stand alone self help programme.
The E Motion audio series can complement your Human Givens therapy but can also be used as part of a stand alone self help programme.
ISBN: 9781906658083
SELF-HELP / Substance Abuse & Addictions / General
Coping with drug & alcohol problems
Relaxation and Empowerment - Read by Andrew Richardson
In this Relaxation and Empowerment download you will have a direct experience of deep relaxation. Most people know they feel better when relaxed and science tells us that when relaxed we make better decisions, solve problems and can settle our minds. We now know that this is an essential state for learning and changing what needs to be changed.
And you will learn also of the new understandings of what it really is to be human. What makes us all tick as individuals and why it is that sometimes we experience some form of emotional difficulty. These insights will be empowering and liberating.
E Motion Downloads are based on the Human Givens approach to mental healing and health – the newest and most radical school of psychology in 40 years. This rapidly expanding approach is UK based and dates just from the mid 1990s.
The E Motion audio series can complement your Human Givens therapy but can also be used as part of a stand alone self help programme.
SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / Success
Advice on careers & achieving success
Overcoming Post-Natal Depression - Read by Andrew Richardson
Bad sleep and dysfunctional dreaming are at the heart of how the brain manufactures depression feelings – including post natal depression.In this download you will learn of the three factors which create and maintain virtually all post natal depressions. You will also be able to identify the importance of each of these as contributing to your depression feelings since becoming a mother. And there is advice and tools and therapy to heal yourself and so give you the confidence deep within, that there is nothing wrong or bad about you and that you will never experience a depression like this again – if and when you decide to have more children.
E Motion Downloads are based on the Human Givens approach to mental healing and health – the newest and most radical school of psychology in 40 years. This rapidly expanding approach is UK based and dates just from the mid 1990s.
ISBN: 9781906658106
SELF-HELP / Mood Disorders / Depression
Popular psychology
Stopping Cocaine Addiction - Read by Andrew Richardson
Your cocaine addiction will weaken when you find better ways to get your essential emotional needs met and understand exactly how the brain manufactures and maintains your coke dependency.In this download you will learn of the common causes of all addictions including cocaine – and of course the consequences too – which broadly speaking are that your cocaine addiction will be easily maintained and at times strengthened. And you will see that there is a path out of coke and a return to emotional health and balance. And you will see this path clearly and how to travel along that path.
This E Motion audio download is based on the Human Givens approach to emotional healing and mental health – the newest and most radical school of psychology in 40 years. This rapidly expanding approach is UK based and dates just from the mid 1990s.
The E Motion audio series can complement your Human Givens therapy but can also be used as part of a stand alone self help programme.
ISBN: 9781906658236
SELF-HELP / Substance Abuse & Addictions / Drugs
Coping with drug & alcohol problems
Stopping Binge Drinking - Read by Andrew Richardson
Your binge drinking will weaken when you find better ways to get your essential emotional needs met and understand exactly how the brain manufactures and maintains this particular form of alcohol dependency.In this download you will learn of the common causes of all addictions – including alcohol and binge drinking – and of course the consequences too – which broadly speaking have the effect of maintaining and at times strengthening your unhealthy relationship with alcohol and excessive social drinking. And you will see that there is a path out of this and a return to emotional health and balance. In this download you will see this path clearly and how to travel along that path and so free yourself.
This E Motion audio download is based on the Human Givens approach to emotional healing and mental health – the newest and most radical school of psychology in 40 years. This rapidly expanding approach is UK based and dates just from the mid 1990s.
The E Motion audio series can complement your Human Givens therapy but can also be used as part of a stand alone self help programme.
ISBN: 9781906658519
SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / Success
Advice on careers & achieving success
Improving Relations with Your Partner - Read by Andrew Richardson
Find a way to initiate a small change and so set up a different momentum that leads to a large change. From there, an improvement in your relationship is not just possible but highly probable.In this download you will learn of the two main pathways to improve your relationship with your partner. They are linked but can best be traversed separately and in the order suggested. And you will naturally see where your efforts need to be focused. You will rediscover what you of course know – that a relationship is an organic, growing and living entity … and also that in the last resort, you only have responsibility for and control over your behaviour and thinking and emotions.
This E Motion audio download is based on the Human Givens approach to emotional healing and mental health – the newest and most radical school of psychology in 40 years. This rapidly expanding approach is UK based and dates just from the mid 1990s.
The E Motion audio series can complement your Human Givens therapy but can also be used as part of a stand alone self help programme.
ISBN: 9781906658526
Family & relationships: advice & issues
Sonny Sunshine

Sonny Sunshine the Album by The Beat Poet Experience is formed around the Poetry and dynamism of performance artist David O ‘Kelly paying more than a passing nod to the Beat Poets of the 60’s it embraces warmly all that we love and hate about ourselves with a wry twist of phrase and some of the hottest jazz licks this side of New Orleans..
Reflecting the major works of Beat writing ALA Allen Ginsberg's Howl (1956), William S. Burroughs's Naked Lunch (1959) and Jack Kerouac's On the Road (1957), the Beat Poet Experience joins these members of the Beat Generation as one of the new bohemian hedonists celebrating nonconformity and spontaneous creativity.
The album Sonny Sunshine includes songs, lyrics and poems that have been written and performed over the last two decades in New York, Prague and London. It is Beat Poetry with an English twist and an eye to the odd crazy frailty of human nature with incredible performances from some of the best players currently on London’s vibrant jazz scene. Written with a wry turn of Phrase and a sharp observational eye these are poems about life, death and magic Each track is an episode of delicate organic sound and lyrics.
Incorporating a number of different styles and sounds, jazz, blues, reggae, punk and classical, live performances by the Beat Poet Experience are always theatrical, sometimes a little crazy but inevitably an event that leaves the audience feeling that they have participated in a psychedelic rush of language, social commentary, humour, spectacle and serotonin inducing euphoria.
An uplifting connection back to those anarchic happenings of the sixties and seventies, firmly plugged into the zeitgeist of 2010, The Beat Poet Experience is fast becoming a quality fixture in the musical theatre / performance art genre and will bring energy, poetry and drama to your festival
ISBN: 9781907556975
Mind, body, spirit: meditation & visualization
Stress Free Living - Read by Brahma Khumaris
The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University is an international organisation working at all levels of society for positive change.
Established in 1937 it now carries out a wide range of educational programmes for the development of human and spiritual values throughout its 4000 branches in over 86 countries.
The University is a NonGovernmental Organisation in general consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations and in consultative status with UNICEF. It is also the recipient of seven UN Peace Messenger awards.
Local centres provide courses and lectures in meditation and positive values, enabling individuals to recognise their true potential and make the most of their lives
The University offers all its services free of charge.
Mind, body, spirit: meditation & visualization
SELF-HELP / Meditations
British narrator Christopher Glyn, who draws on 35 years experience as a Christian narrator and broadcaster to bring you this expressive reading which captures the beauty and power of God's Word and makes the King James English clear and easy to understand.
The King James Audio Bible New Testament Complete - Read by Christopher Glyn
The New Testament is well-known for recording the miraculous life and death of Jesus, but it also contains the spread of Christianity by His disciples after the Resurrection. The majority of the New Testament is epistles written by the Apostle Paul and other notable Biblical figures to the new Church, urging them to remain strong in their faith and to not be lead astray by false prophets who sought to mingle Christianity with other beliefs. Finally, the book of Revelations is the climactic finale to the Bible and is filled with predictions about the end of the world and the second coming of Christ to gather all true believers to Heaven where they will live eternally.
BIBLES / Christian Standard Bible / General
Bible readings, selections & meditations
The King James Audio Bible Old Testament Complete - Read by Christopher Glyn
Since its first publication in 1611, the King James Version of the Bible, with its flowing language and prose rhythm, has had a profound influence on the literature of the past 400 years and is the greatest English translation ever produced. English speakers around the world are acclaiming this recent recording by British narrator, Christopher Glyn, who's talented voice and knowledge of the text makes for a rich listening experience, capturing the beauty and power of God's Word and making the King James English clear and easy for a modern audience to understand.
ISBN: 9781911124566
BIBLES / Christian Standard Bible / General
Bible readings, selections & meditations
The King James Audio Bible Complete - Read by Christopher Glyn
Since its first publication in 1611, the King James Version of the Bible, with its flowing language and prose rhythm, has had a profound influence on the literature of the past 400 years and is the greatest English translation ever produced. English speakers around the world are acclaiming this recent recording by British narrator, Christopher Glyn, who's talented voice and knowledge of the text makes for a rich listening experience, capturing the beauty and power of God's Word and making the King James English clear and easy for a modern audience to understand.
ISBN: 9781911124573
BIBLES / Christian Standard Bible / General
Bible readings, selections & meditations
The Pilgrim's Progress - Read by Christopher Glyn
The Pilgrim's Progress, written by John Bunyon in 1678 is the first, most famous and widely read Christian novel of all time. It has been translated into 200 languages and never been out of print. The language in this version has been slightly modernized. Masterfully and dramatically read by Christopher Glyn. His talented voice and knowledge of the text makes for a rich listening experience.
ISBN: 9781911124627
BIBLES / Christian Standard Bible / General
Bible readings, selections & meditations
The Book of Maccabees - Read by Christopher Glyn
The setting of 1st and 2nd Maccabees is about a century and a half after the conquest of Judea by the Greeks under Alexander the Great. It tells how the Greek ruler Antiochus IV Epiphanes attempted to suppress the Jewish religion, resulting in the Maccabean Revolt from 175 to 134 BCE.
Originally included in the King James Bible, 1st and 2nd Maccabees is a thrilling historical account of the guerrilla warfare in which, with God's help, the Maccabean brothers, Judas, Jonathan and Simon were empowered to win extraordinary victories against vastly superior armies and restore an independent Jewish kingdom and religion.
British narrator, Christopher Glyn, brings these epic stories to life with an inspired and professional reading.
ISBN: 9781912875283
BIBLES / Christian Standard Bible / General
Bible readings, selections & meditations
The Complete Children's Audio Bible - Read by Christopher Glyn
Now, with The Complete Children’s Audio Bible, British narrator Christopher Glyn brings Anne de Graaf’s winning ways with words vividly to life. With his crystal-clear, animated and engaging renditions of all those familiar stories – such as Peter walking on the water and Elijah and the chariot of fire to name but two – he makes Biblical characters instantly real and relevant to the youngest ears.
ISBN: 9781912875603
BIBLES / Christian Standard Bible / General
Bible readings, selections & meditations
The Apochrypha - Read by Christopher Glyn
‘The rarely heard inspirational stories of the Apocrypha brought to life in this unique audiobook’
In Biblical terms, ‘Apocrypha’ is a much-misunderstood term – and the title belies the immense significance of the 14 books to which it refers, all of which were originally published in the 1611 King James Bible but removed in 1885. Most of those books have always been in the Roman Catholic, Greek and other Orthodox Bibles and therefore are accepted as true Scripture by the majority of Christians. So, although the word ‘apocrypha’ literally means ‘things hidden away’, these texts have never ‘officially’ been considered secret.
Perhaps the best description is Martin Luther’s:‘Apocrypha – that is, books which are not regarded as equal to the holy Scriptures, and yet are profitable and good to read.’
In any event, these books are certainly not as well-known and understood as the canonical Scriptures – and who better to bring to light and new life these lesser-heard sacred texts than acclaimed British narrator Christopher Glyn! Best-known for his narration of the hugely popular Complete King James Audio Bible among many other inspirational works, Christopher is the only narrator to have recorded both the Bible and The Apocrypha. Drawing on a thirty-five-year career as a Christian broadcaster and narrator, he delivers these stories in a uniquely expressive style that is filled with wonder at the beauty and power of God’s Word, yet which is clear, natural and easy to understand.
The Apocrypha audiobook comprises:
• The romantic tales of Tobit and Judith
• Two valuable books of history: 1 and 2 Maccabees
• The Wisdom books of Ecclesiasticus, Wisdom of Solomon, Baruch, The Epistle of Jeremy and The Prayer of Manasses
• The important Apocalyptic book of 2 Esdras
• Plus additions to the canonical books of Ezra, Esther and Daniel.
BIBLES / Christian Standard Bible / General
Bible readings, selections & meditations
The Book of Jasher - Read by Christopher Glyn
The Book of Jasher, which means “The Book of the Upright”, is a non-canonical book mentioned twice in the Hebrew Bible. The narrative covers the period presented in Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, Deuteronomy and Joshua in greater detail and with explanations that are not recorded in the Bible.
In this professionally recorded audiobook, the rarely heard stories of the Book of Jasher are brought vividly to life by British narrator Christopher Glyn, best known for his narration of the King James Bible along with many other widely acclaimed Christian devotional works.As with all of his previous works, Christopher’s profound knowledge and understanding of the text, combined with an accomplished, truly virtuoso delivery, provide the listener with a rich interpretation of – and enthralling insight to – these inspirational and little-known and understood texts.
ISBN: 9781912875894
BIBLES / Christian Standard Bible / General
Bible readings, selections & meditations
Trevor represented the British pioneering spirit of a bygone age, exploring and embracing Eastern culture and philosophy, and writing extensively and accessibly about it.
Judo teacher, author, translator, and head of the BBC's Japanese Service for 24 years, he was one of the very first Europeans to study martial arts in Japan. He was attached to the British Embassy there at the outbreak of WW2 and experienced a period of internment, although being Trevor, he used the time to improve his judo skills with his guards.
After repatriation, he was involved in establishing the first secret ‘Psy-Ops’ group with the ‘Ministry of Information’ and after the war he combined teaching judo with working for the BBC.
He began his writing career at the beginning of the sixties as he stopped practicing Judo and become increasingly interested in Eastern philosophy.
His first book – ‘A first Zen reader’ – was published in 1960, and he went on to publish more than thirty books on similar subjects.
Before his death in 2000, Trevor had received accolades from the Japanese Government for services to promoting Japanese culture in the UK and had an excellent biography on his life and works published in the 1980’s.
Truly a pioneer and a Japanophile, Trevor’s’ books are essential reading for anyone wishing to further their interest in the culture and history of Japan, Judo, Yoga, Zen and Buddhism.
Encounters In Yoga and Zen -
read by Madeleine Brolly, Judith Clark, Jonathan Keeble and Gerard Mc Dermott. Music by Peter Monk. Produced by Loftus Media
Gleaned from the author’s experiences over many years Yoga and Zen training as well as from conversations with teachers, folk stories and temple magazines, this is a fascinating and enlightening compendium of tales from the Yoga and Zen traditions. Stories such as these are used in many spiritual schools’ teaching – they’re the flint or steel that makes the spark which, when nurtured daily, fires the imagination, heralds enlightenment and insight.
ISBN: 9761911467069
PHILOSOPHY / Ethics & Moral Philosophy
Lotus Lake Dragon Pool -
Narrated by: Jonathan Keeble, Madeleine Brolly, Judith Clark and Gerard McDermott
THE STORIES from India in Lotus Lake and those from Japan and China in Dragon Pool combine two traditions, complementary and contrasting. Presenting a broad spectrum of thought from yoga and Zen, some of the stories are mystical and allegorical, others literal and straightforward. Some are ancient, others contemporary, but all serve to guide and instruct.
These tales from the East arise from diverse settings, from the Buddhist temple and Indian village, to the commune and campus. The result is a universality of ideas to challenge and inspire novices as well as those already familiar with the traditions of yoga and Zen.
ISBN: 9781911467052
PHILOSOPHY / Ethics & Moral Philosophy
Malcolm McKay has been writer/director of several successful television films including the award winning A Wanted Man trilogy, Redemption and adaptations of Emil Zola’s La Bete Humaine and Mervyn Peake’s Gormenghast. He has had three novels published, The Lack Brothers, Breaking Up and Thistown for children.
The Path - Read by Anthony Wren
The Path is the story of a group of international travellers who walk the Camino de Santiago, the ancient eight hundred kilometre pilgrimage from the Pyrenees to the remains of the apostle Saint James in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostella in Northern Spain.The group are of all ages, all professions, all religious denominations (and none). They include a British ex-army captain, a beautiful Danish businesswoman, a manic Austrian architect, A Welsh painter, a driven American priest and a comic mother and daughter duo from Canada.
The thirty-five day walk is tough and demanding, They relate intellectually, spiritually and sexually, as they search for their own deep and personal truths which are not always what they expect - or want - to find.
The climax is a terrible and shocking death which changes their view of themselves forever as they arrive in the holy city.
TRAVEL / Special Interest / Adventure
TRAVEL / Special Interest / Religious
Mark Bajer is a director of the London Human Givens Centre and a qualified Human Givens practitioner
Anxiety Control It Now - Read by Mark Bjaer
Anxiety can become a frequent, unbearable and unwelcome visitor that torments both physically and emotionally.
In this download you will be learn something of how to control anxiety and then be gently guided you out of anxiety, and into inner peace and tranquillity.
This E Motion audio download is based on the Human Givens approach to emotional healing and mental health – the newest and most radical school of psychology in 40 years. This rapidly expanding approach is UK based and dates just from the mid 1990s.
The E Motion audio series can complement your Human Givens therapy but can also be used as part of a stand alone self help programme.
SELF-HELP / Motivational & Inspirational
Assertiveness, motivation, self-esteem & positive mental attitude
Think and Grow Rich - Read By Russ Williams
Think and Grow Rich is a motivational, personal development and self-help book written by Napoleon Hill and inspired by Andrew Carnegie. While the title implies that this book deals only with how to achieve monetary wealth, the author explains that the philosophy taught in the book can be used to help individuals do or be almost anything they want in this world.
The book was first published in 1937 during the Great Depression. At the time of Hill's death in 1970, Think and Grow Rich had sold 20 million copies. It remains the biggest seller of Napoleon Hill's books and a perennial bestseller after 70 years (Business Week Magazine's Bestseller List ranked Think and Grow Rich as the sixth best-selling paperback business book 70 years after it was first published). Think and Grow Rich is listed in John C. Maxwell's A Lifetime Must Read Books List.
This new definitive recording by the award-winning Radio presenter Russ Williams will enable you to understand fully the depth of knowledge contained within and you will learn lessons that will positively influence you now and for the rest of your life.
Use of the phrase people of colour is included in this text as part of the original language of the time, - which could now be considered offensive but is not in any way meant to be.
SELF-HELP / Motivational & Inspirational
PHILOSOPHY / Ethics & Moral Philosophy
Randy Charach is undoubtedly among America’s top Mind menders, renowned as a results-only Hypnotist and Hypnotherapist. Randy’s abilities are in demand for both TV work (entertainment) in addition to his world famous clinical work.
Play Better Golf Read by Randy Charach
How is your Golf Game? Would you like to improve and get you handicap down? Randy can help you to achieve this in the Play Better Golf Self hypnosis program.He is a certified trainer in the D.I.S.C. Personality Profiling system and author of over 20 books and audio programs. In America his “one on one” expenses begin at $5200. His products are continuously in demand. His famed self-hypnosis workshops, clinics and audio effectively solve problems, in all areas of his clients business and personal lives, all over the globe.
Stay on Randy’s established program for thirty days, and you too can have Control over your attitude to your distinct problem – GUARANTEED!
Siri Guru Granth Sahib
The first complete audio recording in English of the spiritual text of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib with beautiful, soothing background music. This relaxing recording enables an English speaking audience to understand and experience the spiritual wisdom of the Sikh Faith.
Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is more than just a scripture. The Sikhs regard and respect the Granth (holy book) as their living Guru. The revealed holy text spans 1,430 pages and contains the actual words spoken by the founders of the Sikh religion (Six of the Ten Gurus of Sikhism).
The Sikh Gurus incorporated not only their own writings, but also included the writings of another 30 saints from different religions, places and times.
These songs are set to 31 different musical scales, called ragas, that evoke the feelings of different times of day, different emotions and the seasons of the year.
The English Translation used for the recording is by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, Phoenix, Arizona - USA.
RELIGION / Sikhism