Russ Williams

Award-winning broadcaster, journalist and published author Russ has worked in Radio and TV for over 30 years and has been a voice-over artist for numerous shows and many television commercials and Blue Chip companies. He currently presents Smooth Radio’s breakfast show and LBC’s football programme ‘Scores’.
How to walk yourself healthy & happy
Walking is aerobic exercise; it is also the ‘Superfood’ of exercise.
Most of us do it every day to varying degrees and many of us do not fully appreciate the many proven benefits for the body and mind that you can get simply by taking regular walks.
Author Russ Williams – a UK based broadcaster – has been a walker for many years and noticed a distinct upturn in his physical and mental health as a result of walking regularly.
He researched and subsequently wrote this book to help people fully understand WHY walking is such an important way of exercising and to understand the many PROVEN benefits of doing it for the mind and body.
In his book he shares the medical evidence and why you can reap the benefits without taking a big chunk out of your daily life and routine.
How to play golf the natural way
Russ Williams narrates this audiobook edition of ‘How To Play Golf The Natural Way Using Your Mind And Body’ by 2-time Major winner and Ryder club player Jack Burke. Like its printed forbear the audiobook uses Jack Burke’s personal methodology to show you how to relax and play golf to the best of your ability – whatever your standard.
‘How To Play Golf The Natural Way Using Your Mind And Body’ will show you how to relax
Written by Jack Burke a two time Major winner and Ryder Cup player the author takes you through his personal methodology for playing golf whatever your standard, using your mind and body.”
Think and grow rich
Russ Williams’s new definitive recording will enable you to understand fully the depth of knowledge contained in this motivational, personal development and self-help book written by Napoleon Hill and inspired by Andrew Carnegie – and help you learn lessons that will positively influence you now and for the rest of your life. While the title implies that this book deals only with how to achieve monetary wealth, the author explains that the philosophy taught in the book can be used to help individuals do or be almost anything they want in this world.”
Applied Psychology Read By Russ Williams
Applied Psychology, Psychology and Achievement is the First of a Series of Twelve Volumes on the Applications of Psychology to the Problems of Personal and Business Efficiency.
Within Applied Psychology, Psychology and Achievement Hilton addresses the factors in achieving success by utilizing the powers each of us has within us.
Subjects addressed include Attainment of Mind Control in which he guides the reader through methods to better utilize his own thoughts, Relationship of Mind Activity to Body activity where he shows how our physical body follows where the mind leads, The Supremacy of Consciousness you latent powers and purpose are exposed.
Warren Hilton was the author of: Initiative Psychic Energy, Power of Mental Imagery, The Trained Memory, Applied Psychology (12 volumes). He was the founder of the society of Applied Psychology.
As A Man Thinketh Read by Russ Williams
“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” With that simple but profound philosophy — and the right application of thought — you can overcome obstacles, reach goals, improve health, and achieve serenity.
Since its initial publication a century ago, millions around the world have responded to James Allen’s powerful message of positive thinking and have used it to achieve their maximum potential.
Included in this edition are Allen’s insightful Morning and Evening Thoughts, a collection of beautiful daily meditations that feed the mind and soul.
As a Man Thinketh is a self-help book by James Allen, published in 1903. It was described by Allen as “… [dealing] with the power of thought, and particularly with the use and application of thought to happy and beautiful issues. I have tried to make the book simple, so that all can easily grasp and follow its teaching, and put into practice the methods which it advises. It shows how, in his own thought-world, each man holds the key to every condition, good or bad, that enters into his life, and that, by working patiently and intelligently upon his thoughts, he may remake his life, and transform his circumstances. The price of the book is only one shilling, and it can be carried in the pocket.”
It was also described by Allen as “A book that will help you to help yourself“, “A pocket companion for thoughtful people“, and “A book on the power and right application of thought.”
How to live on 24 hours a day
Arnold Bennett’s classic ‘Time Management’ book that most certainly still rings true today as we strive to control our busy lives. We tend to value money more rather than time, in the words of Bennett…‘Newspapers are full of articles explaining how to live on such-and-such a sum…but I have never seen an essay ‘how to live on 24 hours a day.’ Yet it has been said that time is money.
That proverb understates the case. Time is a great deal more than money. If you have time, you can obtain money-usually. But…you cannot buy yourself a minute more time’.
You will learn how to make the time you need to acquire what you want out of life and what you want to achieve. There is no magic formula just an explanation of how most people use and waste their time and he shows you another way of using time to your best advantage.
Bennett combines his reasoned and proven methods to explain with a fair degree of humour where people go wrong and how a typical day can be altered for the better even if you have a demanding full-time job.
Time is precious.
‘We shall never have more time. We have, and have always had, all the time there is.’ says Bennett. Working on the ‘mind’ is key to Bennett. The first thing to do he says, is not to consider your life is your workday. He offers a solution to reading a newspaper or scrolling social media pages on the morning commute and explains the changes you can make and how to do them to make the most of your time.
Evenings are a bug bear of Bennett’s too. They are rife for aimless time wasting and this is an area of your being and consciousness that needs to be and can be easily addressed.
Arnold Bennett embraces every minute of his day and uses his time to great effect and success. He certainly doesn’t have any anxiety or stress to contend with. ‘How To Live On 24 Hours A Day’ will make you smile, make you embarrassed and give you a completely new understanding of TIME and how best to use it for your benefit and that of your work life and family life. It is one of the classic time management books.
“You say your day is already full to overflowing. How? You actually spend in earning your livelihood – how much? Seven hours on the average. And in sleep, seven? I will add another two to be generous. And I will defy you to account for me the other 8 hours on the spur of the moment”.
A. Bennett – author and time management specialist.